hi beautiful people!

Happy Thanksgiving! One of the best meals all year is featured this weekend: turkey!

Well anyway, I thought I would give a little update on my personal life and how it’s going. For Thanksgiving weekend, we are at the cottage!! It feels so weird to be here, I’m getting summer vibes again. And this time, we’re staying for 3 days and driving back on Monday.

Right now it is a Sunday morning, it’s raining like crazy outside, and we are enjoying a country life morning. My dad made a fire downstairs and I just finished practicing for a presentation that I need to present on Wednesday.

This year for Thanksgiving my dad bought a turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie (!!!) We’re going to have a family dinner tonight, and then tomorrow (when we’re driving back to the city) we’re stopping at our aunts house to have a family Thanksgiving meet-up, and I’m excited to see my cousins and EAT MORE TURKEY.


Aaanyways, other than Thanksgiving weekend, life is good. I know you guys probably hear me rant about fall way too much, but I think fall has officially arrived! Leaves are changing colour and falling, and for some reason it’s been raining a lot. But seriously, the fall leaves are so pretty! I think this year they’re extra beautiful.

So yes. This weekend I am planning to enjoy myself, and I know it sounds cheesy, but to take a second and be thankful, y’know? I feel like we don’t do that as often as we should.

Passion update! So if you check my blog regularly, you probably noticed that I’m not posting as many chapters anymore, and it’s because… you’re all caught up! Basically that means that I haven’t written anything after that last chapter that you read. BUT this weekend I think I will make time for writing Passion, because it’s a project I really want to finish, so I can be open to new story ideas and mostly because I finish what I start!

Moving on, I am wishing you the best Thanksgiving, take a moment to hug your family members, and remember what you’re grateful for:) Hope you enjoyed this post!<3

– Julia

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