Hi guys! Now we’re in week two of the Student Blogging Challenge! I’ve chosen to do task two, which is free choice!

This is kind of a school related post. I didn’t enter the challenge because of school, but there’s this assignment that we had to do. I thought it would be cool to post the assignment on my blog!

By the title of this post, you might be wondering what the assignment is. Well, my teacher, Mrs. Ladner, has been reading us a book called Fish In A Tree, and she’s been reading it to us over recordings over quarantine, and before the outbreak, just in class. There’s this chapter where Ally’s class needs to write an assignment on if she had one ordinary object, to be unlimited…. then what would it be?

We had to do this assignment, also. It was really fun to brainstorm ideas, too. This object had to be an ordinary one …. but not money, or magic. Here’s my assignment I wrote !!


 I take a deep breath, and write on the last page of my notebook. ‘See you in part 2!’ I write. Then I shut it, but flip through the pages of emotion, sketches, ideas, tips, exciting news . . . This notebook was my life, and now maybe someone else can read it later. I thump down the stairs, the notebook safely tucked into my arms. “Mom!” I yell. “I’ve finished my notebook!” I flip through the pages as my mom walks up to me after cleaning the kitchen. “You’re kidding,” she says. I shake my head and laugh, skipping back upstairs. I take one last look at my rainbow coloured notebook, and then tuck it in my bookshelf forever.

      Hello! My name is Julia. A person once asked me if I had one unlimited object, then what would it be?  This is tricky, and overwhelming, but I think I would’ve chosen notebooks. Wait, why notebooks? Why not something more valuable? Well, here’s my answer to that. 

I love to write. Write about different things, my day, I like to write stories and journal entries . . . . I fly through notebooks so fast and I thought maybe that could be my unlimited object. First off, what would I do with all these notebooks? This is a persuasive essay on why notebooks should be unlimited!

You could have one notebook for each subject. One for notes, schoolwork, tips, drawings, journal entries, recipes . . . . .  it goes on and on! Writing down things makes you feel more organized.

If you’re a serious decorator, like me, different notebook covers can express your feelings through the colour and the designs on the front! Display them in your room, and different notebooks can tell a person you don’t even know that you really like colour! (Or….. maybe not!)

When people write, they need something to keep it in. Notebooks come from a long history. From ragged pieces of paper with leather for a cover, to fun, colourful designs, with a hard cover and nice, white, lined paper. You can really express your notebook inside and out, and personalize it to which person you are. Do you like the colour black? Why not a nice, smooth notebook cover with a black background and nice white pattern designs? That’s the main reason people get notebooks, to express their personality through writing and the visual arts!

In the end, there are a lot more reasons why notebooks are so amazing, particularly for me. It was really fun brainstorming some of these ideas, and I hope you enjoyed my essay! Thanks for reading and keep writing! 

By :: Julia

So, what do you think? I did the assignment on notebooks, as you can see, and it’s probably a really weird unlimited object😅 But I really enjoyed writing this !! Thanks for reading!

  • Julia 😇✌🙊


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