Hi everyone!!

I don’t think I mentioned on my blog yet that at the cottage, we have this bunny that always nibbles in our yard. But the funny thing about her is that she doesn’t eat any of our plants!!

This is a post about Reese, our little brown bunny. She isn’t actually our pet, but we see her every day in the garden, and what we love about her is that she doesn’t run away when we come close to her!!

I think on my sidebar I have a picture of Reese, but that’s an older one. I’ve actually gotten a bit closer this time and am able to take better photo’s


We found Reese one day when we went outside to play. We saw her just eating away at little grass blades. One of the best things about Reese was that she was a baby rabbit!! Later over the weeks, we named her Reese over my favourite chocolate bar: Reese Pieces. And then we started to talk to her, and take pictures of her!! Reese is a wild bunny, so we don’t take her in our house or anything like that, we just see her outside almost every day. Her favourite grass is morning grass, when it still has the morning dew trickling on most of the fresh blades.Β 

Reese’s favourite places to chill are under this big pine tree, and in our garden. One day after coming home from the beach, we saw her in the blazing sun, lying on her belly. It was the cutest thing ever! πŸ₯°

Reese also has a friend: this cute fat little bunny named Wonder. Unlike Reese, Wonder likes to eat some of our plants, so we like to shoo him away most of the times. But sometimes we see Reese and Wonder meet up in our front yard, eating grass together. Again, unlike Reese, Wonder is more scared of humans and tends to run away when we aren’t even that close to him yet. But with Reese, we can get super close and she won’t get scared!!

When we first moved into the cottage 4 years ago, there where these little brown bunnies everywhere. One liked to live under our porch and we named him Pepper. One night we left carrots and celery for him beside the porch, and the next day it was gone!! After we left Pepper to go back to Mississauga for the school year (we only come to our cottage for vacations) we didn’t see him when we came back. πŸ™ Although we did see bunnies here and there, we didn’t actually have one like Pepper who liked to hang around here more often. Me and Natalia would sometimes take a walk through a tucked away corner of the neighbourhood, and there where always so many bunnies!! Sometimes we saw Wonder there.

But then, one day, we saw the same little baby bunny come to our yard almost every day. She grew fatter and fatter, and kept coming to our front yard!! We later decided to name her Reese. And every time she comes to our lawn, we come closer and closer.

I love Reese!! Too bad we don’t have that many bunnies in the city. Sometimes we see one, but they don’t come out as much as they do here.

Here is a little video of me and my sister’s laughing at Reese after we go swimming. My sisters start to get silly and start to do a voice cover of Reese. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I start to tell them to stop the voice cover and…πŸ˜‚
But the important part here is that Reese is in the video! Here it is:

So that’s my post about Reese! I love this little brown bunny, I wish we could take her back to the city, but she just won’t be happy there. I want her to be here, where there are less humans and more plants and wildlife.

And that’s this post! I hope you liked it, and the next time you see some wildlife somewhere, take a second to look at it before you shoo it away! (Not a squirrel though. No no, you have to shoo all the squirrels, okay?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

Julia πŸ€ͺ

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