
Let me start this post off by saying that yesterday was my first day of school!! (I’m sure you probably know) So this post will be a reflection of this first day we’ve ALL been waiting for. I was really excited, it was really exciting!
Let’s start off by what happened yesterday! Then comes the reflection.

So in the morning my mom dropped off me and my sisters at the front, we kind of went in right away and sat in our desks until the bell rung. Usually, we would’ve waited outside until the bell rung and then lined up to go inside.
Today, only 5 people came in. Not because the other people didn’t want to, but because we had a schedule. Basically, the last names from A to F went on Wednesday September 9th, on Thursday (yesterday) G to N went, and then the people with their last names that start from O to Z went today. It’ll be like this for another week, and then the whole class will be able to be with each other again.
I think it’s like this because of Covid, just to scatter the students a little bit and then see how it would work. I’m excited to go on the day the whole class comes because then I could see my classmates again, so, yay!

After, my other 4 friends came in and my teacher came, too. I was the first one to get there! The first period we talked about mainly Covid stuff and the goals for this year. I’m in grade 7 this year, just to set that clear. I’m happy because a lot of my friends are in this class but some of us got separated! That’s okay.

Later, we found out all about this year. There are actually a LOT of rules, mainly about Covid. There are literal arrow stickers on the floor and everyone has a mask over their mouth. After, our teacher let us eat snacks, witch let us slip down our masks. Our desks are about a meter apart, so we could eat and talk, we just couldn’t stand and walk over to other people’s desk’s. We actually have to stay in our desks the whole time at school. It’s not like last year, where we could walk around and talk to our friends.
After, our teacher took us out to play outside for about 15 minutes. Me and my friend did a race to the other end of the field, it felt amazing to get some real air into my lungs! And it felt good to run. But, in case you are wondering, I lost. ๐Ÿ˜‚

When we went back inside, we had recces. What’s weird about this year is that we actually have recces indoor. Witch I personally don’t get why. I set up my sketchbook and played some random Tik Tok game with my friends. I realized how boring it is to be inside for recces. And I loved indoor recces when it was raining outside last year!

We did activities, talked about the year, had snack, and had french, too. I really like my new french teacher, we actually had more new teachers this year! I like that.
After french we had recces again, snack and went outside.

Let’s talk bathrooms, how did that work? Well, in our school, the bathrooms are pretty small so the limit is only 2 people in the bathroom at a time. It wasn’t that bad yesterday because there where less people in the building, but there is a place to stand while waiting for someone in the bathroom. I also noticed that the school is pretty clean! Cleaner than normal. My teacher told us that it’s cleaner than ever right now. Especially the bathrooms.

Now I usually go on the bus on the way home. My mom told us earlier that we would be taking the bus, but I had no idea how. By the end of the day I was pretty tired, and my teacher told me to go down to the hallway to wait for our bus. The worst part of my day was on the bus, actually. It was really hot in there and we had to wear a mask, witch was hard because it got all gross near the end of the day.

And that’s another thing, my mask got all gucky halfway through the day and I decided that I would switch to my backup, and I thought it would be okay if I would switch my mask halfway through the day. I got used to the mask, but it was still pretty annoying. I discovered a lot between real air and mask air, because in a mask, your breathing in your own air. Witch is pretty different.

This year start off so different! I realized how insanely careful everyone is. Overall, I’m excited to learn and see my friends and just, get out of the house more. I’m praying for all those with Covid and the people who are scared of Covid. Cases are going down and people are handling the situation pretty awesomely, so, I really hope this thing will be over at Christmas!

I was so excited for this post! I was looking forward to writing it all summer. I guess I wouldn’t think about all that I’ve written! Wow! That’s a lot of paragraphs. Moving along:

When I got home I was really, really tired. I had no idea why, probably because we’ve been laying around all quarantine not really doing anything, but at school I was moving all day. No lazy business. ๐Ÿ˜† I guess that’s good though. At home I rest my feet, went to my grandmas house for dinner, and started to work on this post.

I know what you’re probably thinking, the schedule is pretty weird. Why am I not going to school today? Like I wrote before, the O to Z are going today. On Monday there is also no school, Tuesday I’m going, and then by Wednesday hopefully the whole class’ll be together again. If there are no further cases, that is.

And I got homework! Yay.

I had fun my first day! Sure, there was a lot going on, and a lot of rules. But I know in no time that we could get used to all this. Humans can get used to anything. It’s like the story my teacher told me in class yesterday. On day, there was an oak tree and a willow tree. The oak tree was strong and was firm through storms, tall looking and majestic. Whereas the willow tree, it would blow with the wind and sway back and forth when the wind blew.
Then one day, there was a terrible wind storm. When the willow woke up, she saw that the oak tree toppled over and lay flat on the grass. The willow tree was confused, because she thought that she was very weak, yet she survived the storm.
My teacher told us that Covid was the wind storm, and that we need to be like the willow tree, that blows with the wind and goes with the flow. Whereas the oak tree stood firm and wanted things to go her way.

It’s an interesting story, isn’t it? I kind of feel like people should adapt to Covid-19 and except what is happening, and that it is happening, but hopefully not for long.

I’ve really been thinking about how important it is to people to just, wash your hands and sanitize often, stay 2 meters apart. People are being like the oak tree and are not following those rules! Seriously, they’re super easy, and washing your hands really doesn’t take long. 20 seconds. Seriously people. It means a lot to those people that are sick.

I still can’t believe yesterday was my first day of school! It really only seemed like last week when I wrote my reflection post for that year. Check that out here. It’s a great reflection!

Anyways, that’s me for the past few days. Leo & Kaylee has been well, I’m still posting every other day. Because of school now, the posting time may be delayed to the evening instead of the morning, just so you know.

I’m also doing well! I’m not posting as much on this blog as I would do in the summer, only because that things are busy. September’s always busy. But just know that I’m still planning to write and keep going with this blog! In the meantime, check out Alivia’s blog, she’s posting a lot, and writing this amazing story called Wonderland! Yay!

I’m also on Pinterest a lot, the craft ideas and drawing tips there are really great and I’m learning a lot! Also, the cat video’s there are awesome. Sorry, I needed to type that. I also post my art on there sometimes, on paper and on my tablet. Check it out!: (This is NOT self advertising๐Ÿ˜‚) https://www.pinterest.ca/juliamariakubicki/_saved/

And that’s it for me! Stay tuned for more posts on my Story Site, (Leo & Kaylee) and on this blog. Keep learning! Have fun. And be like a willow tree!

~ Julia ๐Ÿ™‚


2 thoughts on “First Day Of School”

  1. Hi Julia, I like your story, you gave plenty of factual details as well as your emotional state. Keep writing

    1. Hi Babcia!
      I’m glad you liked this post, I had fun on my first day of school as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
      ~ Julia

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